Please fix my galaxy namespace

For last few months my namespace monolithprojects is broken. For some reason my namespace was split to two: monolithprojects and MonolithProjects.
When uploading new releases of roles, the roles are going to monolithprojects but ansible-galaxy install downloads roles from MonolithProjects (which are not updated and latest releases are missing)

My namespace Ansible Galaxy

   ansible-galaxy install monolithprojects.github_actions_runner
Starting galaxy role install process
- downloading role 'github_actions_runner', owned by monolithprojects
- downloading role from
- extracting monolithprojects.github_actions_runner to /home/mike/.ansible/roles/monolithprojects.github_actions_runner
- monolithprojects.github_actions_runner (1.18.7) was installed successfully

   ansible-galaxy info monolithprojects.github_actions_runner

Role: monolithprojects.github_actions_runner
        description: Deploy Github Actions private runner
        commit: b9446130396072f8e919742fb3ab0fc8c7cc934f
        commit_message: Merge pull request #191 from MonolithProjects/feat/ci

ci: adjust workflow triggers
        created: 2023-05-08T21:17:02.827720Z
        download_count: 137245
        github_branch: 1.18.7
        github_repo: ansible-github_actions_runner
        github_user: MonolithProjects
        id: 19739
        imported: 2023-12-02T23:28:55.952463
        modified: 2023-12-02T23:28:56.335793Z
        path: ('/home/mike/.ansible/roles', '/usr/share/ansible/roles', '/etc/ansible/roles')
        upstream_id: None
        username: MonolithProjects

Here you can see my role monolithprojects.github_actions_runner twice with different versions and download count. if you click on any of them, the ui will take you to the older release. Ansible Galaxy

@galaxy Can one of you help or does this actually need to go Red Hat support?