Ping Module : Why ansible wants to SSH to the server for which I am trying a ping?

Hi Team,

I just started working on ansible and using online documentation to try.

I just ran my first command : ansible all -m ping

Why ansible wants to SSH to the server for which I am trying ping?

It does not make sense (until I am missing some thing) to connect to the server when I just want to ping the server.

I added a Windows machine (the server is up and running) in the host file and the ping command failed on SSH.

If I am trying to run a command on remote server, SSH connection is required. Why for “ping”?


The "ping" module is *NOT* Ansible trying to reach a host via ICMP message. Ansible will try to connect to the host via SSH and
execute the "ping" module which just generates a "pong" answer.

The ping module is to verify that ansibl we can login to the host and has the base requirement s to execute modules. It is does not correspond to the ping networking tool (except a s a concept).