Perform a failed_when: on an async task based on a value from stdout

I am trying to perform a failed_when: on an async task based on a value from stdout.

This is my task:

    command: <run_some_script_here>.sh
    delegate_to: localhost
    register: task_status
    async: 3600
    poll: 0

This is where I check on the task status and would like it to fail when the specified text is in stdout.

    async_status: jid={{ task_status.ansible_job_id }}
    register: poll_status
    until: poll_status.finished
    retries: 100
    failed_when: “‘ERROR. TASK FAILED.’ in poll_status.stdout”

When I run the above playbook I am faced with the following error from Ansible

TASK [CHECK TASK PROGRESS] *************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: “The conditional check ‘‘ERROR. TASK FAILED.’ in poll_status.stdout’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (‘ERROR. TASK FAILED.’ in poll_status.stdout): Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string ({% if ‘ERROR. TASK FAILED.’ in poll_status.stdout %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}).\nMake sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like ‘-’: argument of type ‘StrictUndefined’ is not iterable”}

Help! Thanks in advance.

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it’s been a while since you posted, but maybe this will help someone else. I have a similar issue - it looks like failed_when just doesn’t work with async tasks. I’ve had to ignore errors on the async task and use ansible’s fail module with a when condition as the next task to fail the play