Failed message for async-status module

Hi Team
I am using async_status module in ansible task, which is performing patching on several hosts and till the time that got completed, I will get waiting message stream on the command line:

  • name: Wait to complete patch installation in managed hosts
    async_status: jid={{ item.ansible_job_id }}
    register: mh_patch_job_results
    until: mh_patch_job_results.finished
    retries: 240
    delay: 60
    with_items: “{{ mh_patch_jobs.results }}”

Now, this task failed for one of the hosts, but I didn’t receive the failed message at the same time. I had to wait for the task to complete on all other hosts and then at last I got the failed message.

What I am looking for here is that, Ansible should also report this host has failed as soon as it failed during patch instead of report at the end when all hosts are done

Hi Team,

Any suggestion on above asked question. Note the async task sets poll=0 to allow subsequent tasks to run concurrently. However even if the async task fails immediately, ansible only fails once it’s finished the subsequent tasks and checks on the async task status. Which is really annoying because it can take ~30 minutes to find out that the async task failed 30s in to the run.

Is there a way to preserve the concurrent behaviour but have ansible fail as soon as the async task fails?

Interesting questions, Neha. As soon as you deviate from the default behavior of running tasks in lock-step across all the play hosts, the plane of intersection between “behaviors I want” and “behaviors I get” grows incredibly fast.

When you say “preserve the concurrent behavior,” which behavior exactly are you referring to? If it’s the default linear strategy that completes a task across all hosts before proceeding to the next, then I think the answer is “no.”

Let me ask: does a person watching the ansible-playbook output constitute patch failure notification? If that’s the case, what does that person then do? Can that be automated as well?

Once you start an async task for a given host, are there other tasks being run for that host before you start the async_status task? If not, you aren’t gaining anything by running those patch tasks async — at least, as I understand it; someone correct me if I’m wrong. In fact, it may be hurting you, as each async task is tying up a worker, as is the async_status task.

Consider taking another approach: in your patch playbook, make the play that does the actual patching run with “strategy: free”. That will allow each host to run through that play’s tasks as fast as it can - other constraints being considered - without regard to which tasks other hosts are still executing. Furthermore, put the patch task in a block, and in that block include a rescue section. Tasks (plural; you can have lots of them) in the rescue section are only run on the hosts that failed a task in the main body of the block. In that rescue section, invoke some sort of mechanism to notify the admin that host blah-dee-blah failed its patching. It’ll also show up in the ansible-playbook log, but so will a lot of other stuff, screens scroll, humans blink, etc. An alternative dedicated mechanism (which could be simply appending a line to a file listing failed hosts, maybe with timestamps) isn’t as likely to hide unicorns in the forest.

I’m reasonably convinced this will actually do what you’re trying to achieve with async and async_status. But then Ansible manages to throw surprises at me whenever I try something clever, so test, test, test.

Let us know how you get on. Good luck!

Thanks Todd for the detailed explanation. I’ll try this approach as you suggested and will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again