name: This playbook will create the user.
oracle_home: /home/ansible/instantclient_12_2
user: “{{user}}”
password: “{{password}}”
service_name: “{{sname}}”
port: “{{prt}}”
hostname: “{{hostname}}”
schema: *****
schema_password: ****
default_tablespace: USERS
state: present
grants: “‘create session’, create any table’”
environment: “{{oracle_env}}”
This fails with below error
FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “The cx_Oracle module is required. ‘pip install cx_Oracle’ should do the trick. If cx_Oracle is installed, make sure ORACLE_HOME & LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set”}
DO we need to have cx_oracle installed in the target server too? I had this same issue with oracle_sql module too, but I used “connection: local” to enforced the playbook to look at the local cx_oracle install. This is not working in oracle_user module.
Ansible doesn’t have such a module, so I assume this is a 3rd party module?
In that case you might have more luck asking the module’s authors for support.
I am using oracle_sql module and running a sql script. The sql script contains comments. The playbook fails because "
FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: "Something went wrong while executing sql - ORA-00911: invalid character sql:
Is there a way I can keep the comments and execute the sql script ?
I am using oracle_sql module and running a sql script. The sql script contains comments. The playbook fails because "
FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Something went wrong while executing sql - ORA-00911: invalid character sql:
Is there a way I can keep the comments and execute the sql script ?
I suppose you could filter out the comments. How does your SQL script looks like?