Python tracebacks are a sign your application is not an application, but it’s still a library.
If you ever run ansible and see a python traceback, please file a bug and steps to repro.
No combinations of invalid input should ever produce a traceback at the /usr/bin/ansible or /usr/bin/ansible-playbook level.
While on this note… I was thinking of debugging and automation.
Sometimes I want the software to be very verbose, tell me exactly what it is doing, what values it is setting, what assumptions it is making etc. Other times when it is working properly I want it to be quite in the extreme or at most log somewhere in the background. Do you have thoughts/ideas on what you want to do with debugging/verbosity in ansible?
Yeah, keep in mind we’re just two weeks (and a half) old now.
There’s a verbose flag that’s already passable. At this point there is not much that uses it yet.
After we get error handling and the modules built up there will be time to look at this, but I don’t want to tackle a bunch
of challenges halfway when we can knock them out of the park. So it may be just a bit before that gets fleshed out, and we can figure out what we want it to do then.
That time is not too far away.