Toggle verbosity when running playbooks through the Ansible playbook API.


When I execute a playbook through the playbook Python API, is there a way to toggle the verbosity of the output? I have enabled logging for Ansible by configuring the log_path variable as well as by using a log_plays callback, but have not succeeded in achieving very verbose output of Ansible activity.

Having looked around more, I found out that the “callbacks.PlaybookCallbacks() and callbacks.PlaybookRunnerCallbacks()” both take a “verbose” parameter, the value of which by default is 0. I changed the value of that parameter to 4, which I believe corresponds to the -vvvv switch on the command-line. But it has made no difference in the verbosity of the output of the callbacks. I’m stumped.

If anyone is curious, I got it working when I set the verbosity locally this way

from ansible import utils
def foo(…)
utils.VERBOSITY = 4
playbook_cb = PlaybookCallbacks(verbose=utils.VERBOSITY)

do the same for runner if you want

I think somehow, VERBOSITY gets reset inside of Ansible.