Hi Team,
I tried to install AWX in MAC (MACOS Monterey Version 12.5) through following two ways:
Using docker-compose: Here, after following the all steps, but not able to find install.yml (in awx directory). Even there is no /awx/installer folder in the same. There is inventory inside the awx/tools/docker-compose. But since there is no install.yml (so installation didn’t get completed)
Using Minikube: Here while running the command brew install hyper kit, I got the below errors:
hyperkit: A full installation of Xcode.app 9.0 is required to compile this software. Installing just the Command Line Tools is not sufficient.
Xcode can be installed from the App Store.
Error: hyperkit: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build
Could you please help me with the above steps (any of them or both)
Thanks & Regards
Neha Singh
When you say you are installing on the mac you are attempting to install the docker version of AWX?
What steps did you take and what errors are you seeing?
As for the second error, it’s saying that you need to install Xcode from the App Store to get the required bits.
That aside, it looks like you are trying to install hyper kit but you should only need “brew install minikube” to get minikube.
Are there instructions you are following for these installation methods?
-The AWX Team
Hi Team,
Please find the link which I am following for the installation:
https://devhops.medium.com/installing-awx-on-osx-a6b767dc5f09 (Error message: install.yml file not found)
For this method installation, please find the YouTube link which I am following:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFWQBAPrWQE ((Also attaching the steps in text format too)
Minikube.txt (964 Bytes)
For item 1, it looks like that article is talking about an older version of AWX. They mention that in the top with a reference to the AWX doc https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/INSTALL.md in there are links to the docker installation.
For item 2, that looks like it should work with the exception of they were installing operator version 0.18.0 and the latest is now 0.28.0. Try install xcode from the app store to get past that error you were facing.
-The AWX Team
Hi team,
I tried another steps (without hyper kit) using the link: https://github.com/ansible/awx-operator
But here, I got the following error on running certain command:
Command: minikube kubectl – logs -f deployments/awx-operator-controller-manager -c awx-manager
Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps “awx-operator-controller-manager” not found
Also for your information, this is the last command I tried and it was working fine till this:
Command: minikube kubectl – get pods -n $NAMESPACE
awx-operator-controller-manager-7b4dbff7c8-pzmjb 2/2 Running 4 (47m ago) 54m
But after this only, I am getting the error when I am going to check for logs