positional arguments:
login authenticate and retrieve an OAuth2 token
config print current configuration values
import import resources into Tower
export export resources from Tower
For those following along for fun, after getting awx to work, this builds a project-sourced inventory. So much easier than doing it 150 times in the GUI! Thank you to the whole team of people who make this kind of stuff possible!
new_inventory=$(awx inventory create --name “$inventory_name” --description ‘Autoimport by awx-cli from OEM’ --organization 3)
I will show the find, though the code works easily from $new_inventory’s json return value
Based on your example, you might be interested to know that the CLI generally lets you specify resources (like inventories) using just their name (assuming you keep them unique across e.g., Organizations). Try --inventory $inventory_name and see if you can skip the ID lookup. The same is true for --organization “Some Organization Name”
I noticed this on Debian 10/11 too, where awxkit will install okay but you can’t find it in your path. Would be nice if it worked without having to specify the full path to awxkit.