nmcli errors when adding more than one DNS server

The documentation states that multiple DNS entries should be formatted like so:

A list of upto 3 dns servers, ipv4 format e.g. To add two IPv4 DNS server addresses: [“”]

Following that example, I get the error: “Error: failed to modify ipv4.dns: invalid IPv4 address ‘["216.xxx.xxx.xxx’.\n”


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The documentation provides examples that include:

# To add two IPv4 DNS server addresses:
-nmcli: conn_name=my-eth1 dns4=["", ""] state=present

When I follow that example, I end up with an extra params error and template expressions erro:
ERROR! this task 'nmcli' has extra params, which is only allowed in the following modules...
Always quote template expression brackets when they start a value...

- hosts: redacted
  user: redacted
  sudo: yes
  - nmcli: 'conn_name="{{ ansible_interfaces[1] }}" 
              dns4=["redacted", "", "redacted"]'

I've tried swapping the quotes around, with singles inside and doubles outside, and got the same extra params error. I haven't cracked the syntax just right yet. 

I'd love a pointer for what to try next.

This error appears to be related to the other issue I was having, since the error spits out the same odd jibberish. I suspect line 505 of the code is related, meaning the dictionary is not reading/parsing cleanly:

dstr+=“%s: %s\n” % ( key, str_val)

Anyway, for the DNS entries, it seemed to be happy with dns4=",," which is a hybrid of the two examples in the documentation.

However, I have lost my connection to the machine until I am on campus tomorrow or Wednesday, so I am going to be working on something else for now.