NLUUG Conference

2024/05/21 Is the NLUUG conference, it’s mostly about sysadmin stuff, and ansible is a very welcome subject. The CFP is open, and I’d like to see ansible talks there.

Talks are livestreamed (by me :smile: )

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Do you have a URL for that @sigio? I’ll update the OP with an event box :wink:

Yeah, I tried updating the first post, but that wasn’t allowed :slight_smile:

and Login :: NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2024 :: pretalx

Yeah, I think that’s the moderation rules - moderation doesn’t mean much if you can post something “safe” to get us to approve it and then change it after :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve added an event for you - check it’s all fine :slight_smile:

Good note to add, most (if not all) talks can or will be given in English, there’s a lot of international speakers as well. I’ve even seen Dutch speakers ask if they could present in English because it was easier :person_shrugging: :grin: