Das 5. Ansible Anwendertreffen

Welcome to the 5th German Ansible user meeting (Ansible Anwendertreffen). Join the event to discuss, share, collaborate and learn how to use Ansible in your organization. Find the agenda and more details on the web site (in German).

Some additional information in English: The breakout sessions will be in the “unconference style” meaning you can just recommend a talk or a topic you’d want to discuss and there will be a live voting.

If any of you have questions and / or need translation feel free to ping @nwerker, since he has attended the previous events of this series and he’s a German native speaker. (Danke schön @nwerker!)


Maybe some additional information in english since the website is german: The breakout sessions will be in the “unconferenced style” meaning you can just recommend a talk or a topic you’d want to discuss and there will be a live voting.

If any of you have questions and / or need translation feel free to hit me up, since I attended the previous events of this series and I’m a german native speaker.

@cybette it seems like I can’t press any of the buttons regarding participation. Is this a bug or is there maybe settings in the event that have to be changed?


Thanks @nwerker, I’ve added your comments to the event description!

Hmm, I don’t know why the buttons are not working (I can’t press them either). @gwmngilfen or @Leo can you take a look when you get a chance?


Hmm, yes, it’s not happy is it? I’ll take a look later on!


They do get grey, but don’t react.

I think @rfc2549 had the same issue in one of the fosdem/cfgmgmtcamp or Collab ones.

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Hmm seems to be working now! I can follow it up with CDCK but it might have been a transient thing…

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@gwmngilfen perfect, everything works fine now. Thank you!