Hi, i’m new to ansible and trying to create a simple script to check for one of the host services e.g systemctl status hostA{0…3}. Script is to check the status of the services whether it is active or inactive. I’m trying to convert it using ansible script so that it can run through multiple hosts. initial draft as follow
- name: Confirm host services state
hosts: <host>
gather_facts: false
become: true
order: sorted
- name: Run check
name: hostA{{ item }}
loop: "{{ range(0, 4) }}"
register: reg_hostA
- name: Print result
var: reg_hostA.status.ActiveState
Result of the run
ok: [hostA.2] =>
reg_hostA.status.ActiveState: VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!
ok: [hostA.1] =>
reg_hostA.status.ActiveState: VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED
- tried to use the build in shell but ansible lint is not happy and need to make use of the builtin.systemd.
- did go through the ansible documentation on loop but still unsure how to print out the output correctly / issue with the variable not defined. Some guidelines and assistance would be great. Many thanks in advanced.