below is the playbook.i wanna multiple commands in a single task using loop (with_items) and copy the stdout of each loop for every hosts in a file.
below is the playbook.i wanna multiple commands in a single task using loop (with_items) and copy the stdout of each loop for every hosts in a file.
Based on what you are looking for this should do it for you.
- hosts: all
gather_facts: true
remote_user: remote
sudo: true
tasks:- name: capture linux_os
shell: “{{ item }}”
register: linux_os
with_items:- ‘uname -a’
- ‘cat /etc/resolv.conf’
- name: creating inventory hosts
file: path=“{{ inventory_hostname }}”.txt state=touch
delegate_to: localhost
sudo: false- name: results
lineinfile: dest=“{{ inventory_hostname }}”.txt line=“{{ item.stdout }}”
delegate_to: localhost
sudo: false
with_items: linux_os.results
resulting in.