I have used oci-ansible-modules to create VM on oracle cloud.
Now, I need to use cloud-init to enable winrm on boot.
Rahul Rawat
I have used oci-ansible-modules to create VM on oracle cloud.
Now, I need to use cloud-init to enable winrm on boot.
Rahul Rawat
Hullo Rahul.
What is your actual question? There is extensive documentation in AWS on how to set up user data to do stuff on launch.
If you just need to do a few simple things, you can do it directly in the user data script. If your needs are more complicated, write a script that looks in a well-known location for other scripts, and executes them.
The way we do it is that we have a standard userdata script that sets up some useful variables, clones a repo out of CodeCommit, then runs all the scripts in the repo. It’s a little more complicated, but that’s the general idea. If your scripts rarely change you could deliver them with the AMI. We use the repo so that our scripts are (mostly) independent of the AMI.
For winrm specifically you could also probably enable it via a group policy.
Regards, K.
I’ve an idea how to do using Terraform and AWS {using userdata directory} but in this case i’m using Ansible and Oracle cloud.
Create an ansible role and using oci-ansible-module provisioning oracle cloud resources to create VM.