Hi Rebeccah/Team
I want to add more entries in (/etc/hosts) in awx pod but not sure where I put “hostAliases”. Please help me to add entries in hosts file in awx pod.
Hi Rebeccah/Team
I want to add more entries in (/etc/hosts) in awx pod but not sure where I put “hostAliases”. Please help me to add entries in hosts file in awx pod.
You can put it in the container instances (iirc) in awx. There is a setting to modify the pod spec
Hi Yen
You want me to edit running awx pod instance and add entities in “spec” section??? Can you please elaborate?
No. You don’t. All automation jobs run in an ee in awx 18+. So that’s where you change it
Look at this link
Hi Yen
Here my awx details!!!
[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$ k get pods
awx-567bcb5746-zkp74 4/4 Running 44 (18h ago) 2d11h
awx-operator-controller-manager-6c69f7cdb-fd7fp 2/2 Running 30 (18h ago) 22d
awx-postgres-0 1/1 Running 15 (18h ago) 22d
[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$ kubectl get pods awx-567bcb5746-zkp74 -o jsonpath=‘{.spec.containers[].name}’
redis awx-web awx-task awx-ee[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$
[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$ kubectl get pods awx-postgres-0 -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[].name}’
postgres[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$
[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$ kubectl get pods awx-operator-controller-manager-6c69f7cdb-fd7fp -o jsonpath=‘{.spec.containers[*].name}’
kube-rbac-proxy awx-manager[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$
[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$
[kubeadmin@xl8phxc360awxtst ~]$
Now Please guide me how can I add my hostAliases in my running AWX.
Below the entry I need to add in my awx pod /etc/hosts!!!
Hi Ahil,
Did you manage to do this?
Even i also wanted to same, as i have some github hostname i want to access, but hostname to ip mapping is required in /etc/hosts to sync project.
Do anyone has idea how i can achive this?
It seems i can do using host alias, but that don’t apply to running ee container
Please help me as i am stuck here, not able to procced further
Thanks & Regards,
Ankit Pandey
Sorry I missed your message. All container spec details are under administration → instance groups —> create container group. As your container spec details there
Hi Weiye,
My doubt is i want to have a execution env containers ‘/etc/hosts’ file patched with a hostname and ip address mapping entries, as my github is outside the network and node DNS not able to resolve the name. Is there is anyway i can customize the ee container spec?
I am ready to create new execution env or i can patch the existing ee container.
Thanks & Regards,
Ankit Pandey
Look above. That’s where you set it
No, not able to do there, it creates new, projects are synced via EE, so that place doesn’t help me as it creates new container everytime. Please show one example how we can do…
Kindly look at this link. It tells you how to modify the spec based on customising the volume mounts. Customise the pod spec for your needs