For upgrade/downgrade I rely on calling below from shell module:
name: “Performing Distribution Synchronization”
shell: yum distro-sync -y --disablerepo=“{{repo_to_disable|default(‘*’)}}” --enablerepo=“{{ Repo_to_enable}}”
Since distro-sync option of yum works on already installed rpms.( Yum does not have anything for downgrading cases , already some issues on this on github)
How i can achieve all 3 operations from single task, any idea ?
I want to use simple single task for install/upgrade/downgrade . All 3 cases , I want to handle in one task:
Currently I use 2 tasks:
For Install:
- name: Install RPMs
name: '{{ rpm_list }}'
state: 'latest'
enablerepo: '{{ my_repos_names }}'
disable_gpg_check: '{{ my_allow_unsigned_rpms }}'
update_cache: '{{ my_update_cache }}'
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
For upgrade/downgrade I rely on calling below from shell module:
- name: "Performing Distribution Synchronization"
shell: yum distro-sync -y --disablerepo="{{repo_to_disable|default('*')}}" --enablerepo="{{ Repo_to_enable}}"
Since distro-sync option of yum works on already installed rpms.( Yum does not have anything for downgrading cases ,
already some issues on this on github)
How i can achieve all 3 operations from single task, any idea ?