Multiple Projects

Is it possible to assign multiple projects to a template? I have playbooks in one project reference files in another project, but when I have a relative reference, Tower/AWX reports that it is unable to find the include.

Have you considered sub modules?

Haven’t looked into that. Is this considered the default way of managing multiple repos for a template?

No. But it is one way. I have linked two repositories together through the use of git submodules. Awx recognises it

I just tried this and for some reason AWX wasn’t able to recognize files in the submodules. For example:

  • name: output decrypted files
    src: “{{ item }}”
    dest: “{{ app_home }}/conf/”
  • …/other_repo/{{ service }}/{{ env }}/{{ pod }}/local.conf

Initially, I thought it was the path, but after various other iterations AWX was not able to pick up the path. Oddly, a local run of ansible will work.

Hi David,