AWX project using git submodule to link another repo



I have a git repo set as a awx role which I managed to import and use successfully in my awx template.
Now I just have a small issue, some files needed for my role are coming from another repo and at first I had them copied over to my own repo , but I now have to maintain two repos which it’s not ideal.
One colleague from work mentioned I could link the files from the other repo using git sub module.
I did that using the command :

git submodule add ssh://git@bitbucket.local.domain:7999/blabla/my_files_repo.git my_files

If i’m looking on the awx controller under projects directory I can see the files are being fetched successfully and also I can see that from the logs of the awx when i’m sync-ing the project all good there.
But when I’m running the playbook and the task it’s trying to access the files it’s complaining that basically it cannot access the files and it’s referring to a location which I’ve never set …

TASK [deploy-pypi-stack : Copy pypi build directories and files in /opt directory] ***
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option
failed: [] (item={'name': 'build-pypi', 'src': 'build-pypi', 'dest': '/opt/', 'mode': '0750'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"dest": "/opt/", "mode": "0750", "name": "build-pypi", "src": "build-pypi"}, "msg": "Could not find or access 'build-pypi'\\nSearched in:\\n\\t/runner/requirements_roles/deploy-pypi-stack/files/build-pypi\\n\\t/runner/requirements_roles/deploy-pypi-stack/build-pypi\\n\\t/runner/requirements_roles/deploy-pypi-stack/tasks/files/build-pypi\\n\\t/runner/requirements_roles/deploy-pypi-stack/tasks/build-pypi\\n\\t/runner/project/playbooks/files/build-pypi\\n\\t/runner/project/playbooks/build-pypi on the Ansible Controller.\\nIf you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option"}

Seems like a very generic message but … do I need to set anything in my requirements.yml file ? I’m having at the moment my current repo, but I do not have any information about the linked repo.

I tried to create the files directory and to move my linked repo there, but still getting the same error message.

There is an RFE to support submodules. It doesn’t seem to have moved much.