Multipath: what is the meaning of the information contained variable "facter_multipath_status" ?

When I run “ansible all -m setup”, one of the facts gathered is “facter_multipath_status”: “good”.
I need to know what is being checked here.

  1. Is it just showing the status of multipathd

  2. Does it indicate that all path are presents and running

  3. What will be the status for missing or failed path?

  4. Where can I find the logic that populate this variable?


Will O.

A fact var prefixed with “facter_” comes from the external tool “facter”, which is part of (sort of) puppet. Ansible will just run the tool if it’s installed.

Hi Andrew, thank you for getting back to me. I understand were the variable comes from the facter tool but what is the meaning of this variable content? it says good but does that mean that I do not have any missing or failed paths or does it just means that multipathd is running and good. This question is important since the multipathd service can be running while I have some missing of failing paths.

The implication of this output coming from facter is that you need to go look at facter to see what the content means. This tool is not part of the Ansible ecosystem, so we can’t really tell you what it means.