Good morning
Im trying to obtain a dynamic variable ina ansible2.9.1 environment
What i would like to obtain is the content of a “double moustache” which i know it doesn’t work . The problem is that, when i try to obtain its contents with lookup o hostvars I receive an error.
I think it could be because the variable i want to gather is a ansible_fact one
How could i retreive it ?
This is the information about my environment & code
=== ansble facts === | SUCCESS => {
“ansible_facts”: {
“ansible_local”: {
“databases”: {
“FAKE1”: {
“activo”: “false”,
“oracle_home”: “/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1/dbhome1”,
“oracle_sid”: “FAKE1”
“FAKE2”: {
“activo”: “false”,
“oracle_home”: “/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3/dbhome2”,
“oracle_sid”: “FAKE2”
“TEST12FS”: {
“activo”: “true”,
“oracle_home”: “/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1/dbhome1”,
“oracle_sid”: “TEST12FS”
“TEST19”: {
“activo”: “true”,
“oracle_home”: “/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3/dbhome1”,
“oracle_sid”: “TEST19”