Use of fact_path : in inventory (on group vars, on host vars) ? in configuration file (ansible.cfg)? in variable files ?


I have just started checking out Ansible to handle automation on a set of dedicated servers.
I have built a fact file to collect information about the application that we want to handle.

For segregation purposes, i should move the fact files to a new location on the servers.
I did move the fact files to /opt/[company]/scripts/ansible/facts.d.

Then I updated ansible.cfg and added “fact_path=/opt/[company]/scripts/ansible/facts.d”
→ this did not work

I then updated inventory file and added group var “fact_path” for each group i use
→ this did not work

I finally added “fact_path” for each host entry in inventory …
→ this did not work

Where should i define fact_path ? ( preferably in a central location … not to update all playbooks used )


currently the only place to set it is in a task:

- setup: fact_path=/path