I’m getting the following error when running molecule login. Does anyone know why that would be the case?
molecule --debug login -s node-exporter-gce-vm --host molecule-node-exporter-gce-vm-1-REDACTED
INFO Found config file /REDACTED/.config/molecule/config.yml
DEBUG Validating schema /REDACTED/Ansible/Collections/Services/prometheus/tests/roles/molecule/blackbox-exporter-gce-vm/molecule.yml.
WARNING Driver gce does not provide a schema.
DEBUG Validating schema /REDACTED/Ansible/Collections/Services/prometheus/tests/roles/molecule/node-exporter-gce-vm/molecule.yml.
WARNING Driver gce does not provide a schema.
DEBUG Inventory /REDACTED/Ansible/Collections/Services/prometheus/tests/roles/molecule/node-exporter-gce-vm/../../../../dynamic-inventories/gitlab_molecule_inventory.py linked to /REDACTED/.cache/molecule/roles/node-exporter-gce-vm/inventory/hosts
INFO Running node-exporter-gce-vm > login
Bad port '{port}'
This is a bug in the driver fixed months ago but for some reason there has been no new release of the molecule_drivers. You can fix it as was done here: