Match two strings in when condition from registered output


Is it possible to search in when condition two strings from single line by matching the registered output.

For example:

the registered output consists of services and its status

1: httpd disabled
2: tftp enabled

I want to search the line and use it in when condition.

What is your use case?

Could you tell us more what you are trying to achieve?

For example

    - debug:
        var: item
      loop: "{{ output.stdout_lines }}"
        - "'httpd' in item"
        - "'disabled' in item"

should give

  ok: [localhost] => (item=1: httpd disabled) => {
      "ansible_loop_var": "item",
      "item": "1: httpd disabled"
  skipping: [localhost] => (item=2: tftp enabled)

Hello @all
Let me elaborate the question

I have 20 services to check and I would like to execute shell module one time and register its output and match the service name and its status from output lines.

for ex: I dont want to use grep in shell module for service name I want to get the status from registered output by matching the lines

shell: systemctl list-unit-files --all --state=disabled,enabled,unknown --no-legend --no-pager
register: _service_status

I want to verify the service name and status with when condition from the _service_status.stdout lines

comment: “tftp service is in enabled”

when: _service_name _expected_state in service_status

comment: “httpd service is in disabled”

when: _service_name _current_state in service_status

variables listed is mentioned in defaults/vars:

service_name: tftp

expected_state: enable

service_name: httpd
current: disable

OK… and what would you DO with this information…?

Nothing. Why are you asking?

I meant what would the topic starter do with this list of services.

For example

- hosts: localhost
      - unit: cups.service
        state: enabled
      - unit: nfs-server.service
        state: enabled
      - unit: zfs-mount.service
        state: enabled
    - command: systemctl list-unit-files --all
               --no-legend --no-pager
      register: status
    - set_fact:
        my_units: "{{ my_units|default({})|
                      combine({my_unit: {'state': my_state,
                                         'preset': my_preset}}) }}"
      loop: "{{ status.stdout_lines }}"
        my_list: "{{ item.split() }}"
        my_unit: "{{ my_list.0 }}"
        my_state: "{{ my_list.1 }}"
        my_preset: "{{ my_list.2 }}"
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item.unit }} is
              {{ (my_units[item.unit].state == item.state)|
                  ternary('', 'NOT') }}
              {{ item.state }}"
      loop: "{{ test_units }}"


    "msg": "cups.service is enabled"
    "msg": "nfs-server.service is NOT enabled"
    "msg": "zfs-mount.service is enabled"

