First of all many thanks for ansible to those responsible. I’m just getting started with it and am loving it.
Anyway I did a bit of searching around but can’t seem to get this to work. I want to do when_string: ${var} == “this” || “that”
This is the task file which is being imported:
name: Enable OpenVZ Console (tty) - Ubuntu
copy: src=…/files/openvz_tty_ubuntu dest=/etc/init/tty1.conf
when_string: ${ansible_distribution} == “Ubuntu” && ${ansible_distribution_release} == ( “precise” || “lucid” )name: Enable OpenVZ Console (tty) - Debian
lineinfile: dest=/etc/inittab regexp=“^1:2345:” line=“1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1” state=present
when_string: ${ansible_distribution} == “Debian” && ${ansible_distribution_release} == [ “lenny” || “squeeze” || “wheezy” ]
I’ve tried some permutations with … ’ in [ “precise”, “lucid” ] ’ too but none of these are working and I can’t seem to find anything that says this is actually possible.
(and I guess while we’re here… Is it bad to check the facts directly with out an intermediate var, like I did here? Any other obvious issues?)