make webdocs for Custom Modules


I have developed a collection of modules on my local setup.
Now, I’ve already verified that the CLI docstrings for the modules are printing correctly
by running


Next, I wanted to generate the HTML webdoc file.
So I followed the steps listed here.

Installing prerequisites via yum (CentOS)

Due to dependencies (for example ansible → paramiko → pynacl → libffi):

sudo yum check-update sudo yum update sudo yum group install “Development Tools” sudo yum install python3-devel openssl-devel libffi libffi-devel

Creating a development environment (platform-agnostic steps)

  1. Clone the Ansible repository: $ git clone

  2. Change directory into the repository root dir: $ cd ansible

  3. Create a virtual environment: $ python3 -m venv venv (or for Python 2 $ virtualenv venv. Note, this requires you to install the virtualenv package: $ pip install virtualenv)

  4. Activate the virtual environment: $ . venv/bin/activate

  5. Install development requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Run the environment setup script for each new dev shell process: $ . hacking/env-setup

Now, I manually copied my collection of modules to the location mentioned in STEP 3 below

To check the HTML output of your module documentation:

  1. Ensure working development environment.

  2. Install required Python packages (drop ‘–user’ in venv/virtualenv):

    pip install --user -r requirements.txt pip install --user -r docs/docsite/requirements.txt

  3. Ensure your module is in the correct directory: lib/ansible/modules/$CATEGORY/

  4. Build HTML from your module documentation: MODULES=mymodule make webdocs

I then tried to find all .html files on the setup, I can’t find the HTML file for the modules in my collection.

Can someone please help me figure out if I’m doing it right ?