Ansible Module Documentation


i am following the below ansible documentation." Using this i could able to generate .html file for my custom module(MODULES=$custom_module make webdocs). But its taking longer time just to generate a html file(Around 3 minutes).Is there a workaround to make it happens in less time? 2. At current stage we are running this command (MODULES=$custom_module make webdocs) after downloading whole Ansible package. Just wondering what minimal package we need to run it successfully instead of keeping the whole ansible repository?

Will appreciate for any help.


What you are seeing is expected. There is no current way to have it only render just that single module as HTML.

Instead it renders all modules into RST, and then will render all RST files, excluding all modules except for the one you indicated.

Full documentation build can take hours. At the moment, the 3 minute build time is the best we have.

Okey got you. Any thought on my second query, currently we need to download whole ansible repository to run (MODULES=$custom_module make webdocs). What minimal binary files are required instead downloading the full repository.


You might just want to use ansible-doc <modulename> to verify the docs
are correct, that does not require any downloading. You only require
the full repo if you actually want an HTML version.