Looking for Ansible AWX usability interview participants

I’ve been working with a grad student team to get them set up running AWX, and they have been excited and eager about this usability project they are working on! The AWX engineering team will be reviewing the results of these interviews (in an anonymized fashion) to help us plan future enhancements and features–info from the student team below:


We are a team of graduate students with the University of Michigan School of Information, and we are conducting user research for Red Hat’s AWX/Ansible project.

As part of this research, we would like to conduct some interviews, and our friends at Red Hat have suggested that we reach out to you all and see who might be interested. We are hoping to have an approximately hour-long conversation about your use of AWX/Ansible, and how you feel about the product. While we do need to meet over phone or video messenger, your identity will be completely protected in our final report, regardless of whatever comments you have. It doesn’t matter what your experience or comfort level with AWX is, input from anyone and everyone is useful, and the time you spend with us will directly help us help the AWX team improve their product!

We are hoping to get these interviews set up between now and February 23, so please let us know if you are interested and available at SI622…@umich.edu, and give us a timeframe when you will be available to chat with us.

Thank you for your help!

Team 8