Let's default to the YAML stdout callback

I’m writing to suggest to enable YAML’ized output by default.

Ansible 2.5 comes with the new 'yaml’ callback plugin, which is such a radical usability improvement, that I’m asking myslf, why this is not the default.

The regular callback makes error messages ­— wrapped in a super-long, single-line JSON string — really awkward to read. This is meant for machines, not humans, who are meant to debug these.

The same holds for printed objects, which are suddenly much easier to skim. Also, Ansible never had a proper way of cleanly printing some text for the user. This change would solved that.


Why make it default? Nobody will find this plugin. In particular newbies. And I would like to be able to use additional callback plugins like “actionable”, and not be forced to choose.

Forgot the link, sorry:
