Human readable Stdout ansible (2.3.0)

Hello All,

I am in need of your urgent help.
I am new to ansible. I have installed the latest version of ansible (2.3.0).

I need to run the tool across my entire UNIX environment with 10000+ hosts.

The problem is with the output which is not in a human readable format. I have created a basic playbook to get some status and have tried both callback version of the listed by Cliff, did not help.

“For Ansible 2.x, please check out… and/or…”

Please assist/advise at your earliest, what can I do to make the output more readable.

thanks much!

You are running an unreleased version of a tool you don't have
experience with on 10000+ hosts? Em... OK.
First try picking a released version and see what that does.
As for the rest, none of the URLs you posted actually work.
So we're left with Googling for some terms.
Apparently (still guessing here) you mean this plugin:
You already asked the author of the plugin, and seem to have verbatim
pasted the (HTML) answer here - including the obfuscated URLs.
One leads to a fork (, the
other one to a gist
Since these are specific plugins and not part of Ansible, I think your
best bet is to ask the authors (again) for advice.
I can already see some hints that they work with older versions.
That might or might not be usable in your situation - hard to tell
with the current amount of information.


Thank Dick for your inputs.

I had no trouble with basic functionality of the tool so far. The only thing is the format of the output.

Seems you have been working with ansible for sometime, could you please share what are you doing to format the output?
Is there a better way to handle that in lower version of ansible?

Thanks again

Sorry for the link not working… here is the original post which I tried to use:
(it has the two link for 2.x)

Have you tried the included callback plugin debug?

Kai thanks.

Yes the Debug callback is included and I have tried to register output to variable and then call thru Debug and it does show better than the standard Json.
The reason I was looking for a solution using, so to get it more centralized instead of coding register/calling everytime.


Hi Rajeev,

I have query regarding Callback plugin, could you tell me how to setup this and how to run this, if you provide the steps it would be much appreciated.

Looking forward for your reply…

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Sahay

just set the following environment variable, no need for the callback plugin;


works fine for me; ansible

Hope this helps

Hi area0,

Thanks for your prompt reply,

I will tell you what I did, I created callback_plugin directory inside this directory I put ansible.cfg file, then I created file, now I am running my playbook, but I didn’t get any output, could you please help me to run this playbook.

Looking forward for your reply…

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Sahay