Learning Ansible - No exposure to Linux

Hi All

I am working on MS technologies from last 15 yrs, do have knowledge in scripting like PowerShell, VBS.
Never worked on Linux in my career, and now planning to learn Ansible. Understand that it does required ‘basic’ LINUX knowledge to understand and use.

So seek suggestion and advice how should i be planning my learning.

  • What level of basic LINUX knowledge i should first look at before jumping to ANsible.

  • There are various distribution of Linux (Fedora, Redhat, Ubuntu etc), not sure how they are different. Like any command line difference.

  • Since Ansible is accuried by RedHat, is it advisable to learn Linux from RedHat.

Thank you all.


  1. Depends, are you going to use ansible for configuring windows systems, or all sort of operating systems?

  2. The distribution you’re going to use ultimately doesn’t matter, but Fedora almost the same as Red Hat but more bleeding-edge and community-driven. Since Redhat tends to be the corporate standard, you can start with Fedora to be oriented towards that.

  3. Redhat does provide a lot of courses to learn, yes, but you should start by trying to use Linux as a desktop for a while. You can combine that with learning ansible, by using ansible to configure your desktop initially, then use it to build a lab.

THanks for the reply, appreciate it.
To start with the usage will be for Windows Systems and may be then for others.
Also i read that there is somthing called Ansible Tower with graphic interface, is it advisable to learn that compare to Ansible directly :slight_smile:

Kindly advice.

FWIY - i always felt Ansible Tower was a work in progress. There are limitations to doing creative deployments using tower. You would be better served to stand up a Jenkins server and leverage CI/CD properly.

Ansible Tower and Jenkins are doing two different things. Jenkins can compile and do unit testing of code. Ansible Tower is more for orchestration, deployment, and running of code. There is a ton of other things Tower can also do well, but you need a good Ansible foundation to use it effectively. It is common to see them both used together because Tower has a very well build API that Jenkins can use to push code out in a controlled manner.

Learn Ansible first. Learn how to get around the bash shell. Disable the GUI on all your servers and force yourself to do everything from powershell/bash. This will help you to think about solving problems in a manner that can be translated to code.