Ldap settings become uneditable on 19.2.2 using Operator 0.12.0

Using the awx.yaml file in GitHub - kurokobo/awx-on-k3s: An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords. and following the extra settings heading GitHub - ansible/awx-operator at 0.12.0

I added the following;


    value: “‘ldaps://ldap.example.com:636’”

Once deployed, the value can no longer be edited by the web ui. It is still viewable from the API.

I also noticed, I have to wrap the value in single quotes or it won’t be passed in as a string.

[root@vm024749 ~]# kubectl logs pod/awx-7969df99fc-jxcsd -c awx-task -n awx --tail 100

File “/etc/tower/settings.py”, line 74
AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = ldaps://ldap.example.com:636’
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Also saw issues passing a Yaml dictionary to AUTH_LDAP_ORGANIZATION_MAP as an example.

Not a massive issue from my point of view, I can just set the values after deployment. Would just be nice to wrap this all up in one.


might be worth you trying AWX 19.4 as some LDAP work has been fixed in that.

Cheers Phil,

I noticed a similar issue raised in issues, but ultimately just went through the API. Wasn’t a deal breaker.