Job tag list? (have cluster servers failing patching run)

hey everyone. i’m fairly new to ansible and only have experience with the web console. i have a group of servers and 2 of them are part of a cluster. the job fails on trying to snapshot said servers. I’m wondering if it would work so “skip” that snapshot however try as i have, i cannot find any documentation on a list of usable tags you can provide. for example in this particular schedule in prompts > other prompts i can set “install” and “reboot”.

is there anywhere in the documentation that lists what the tags are you can use?


Hi. This command lists all available tags:

$ ansible-playbook example_playbook.yml --list-tags

…and you can call/name a tag whatever you want.

If you want to skip a certain tag you can use the skip-tags option:

$ ansible-playbook example_playbook.yml --skip-tags snapshot

But, if you want the play to continue after a task fails, then blocks (rescue) is the way to go.