list-tasks function won't work with skip-tags

Hi all,

I am trying to know which tasks will be played with the –list-tasks option. I want also to specified tags to be skipped with –skip-tags.

The use of these two options produce strange behavior.
To illustrate: I have on playbook ‘site.yml’ with 3 plays:

  • play1: contain tag1 tasks and untag tasks
  • play2: contain untag tasks
  • play3: contain tag2 tasks

If I run:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryFile site.yml --list-tasks -skip-tags "tag1,tag2"

I don’t have any plays planned to be played.

If I run:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryFile site.yml --list-tasks -skip-tags "tag1"

I will only see tasks of the play1 wihout tag1. What about the play2 and play3 ?

If I run:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryFile site.yml --list-tasks -skip-tags "tag2"

I will only see tasks of the play3 wihout tag2. What about the play2 and play1 ?

Furthermore, if I run:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryFile site.yml --list-tasks

I will see all tasks and all plays, even if there is no host configured for the play

Am I missing something ?

Can you try against the current development version?

tagging and list-tasks had several fixes go in.