Jinja2 to filter paths


I’ve random paths like:


and many more. They are part of a list that is iterated over a loop. /logs/ will be common to all paths. I need to filter each item in the list so that, for eg, the last path looks like:


i.e. remove all forward slashes, logs and ‘.log’ and concatenate rest with an underscore.

Thank you.

There are many way to do this, one of them is

   - debug: msg="{{ item | regex_replace('^/logs/(.*)\.log$', '\\1') | regex_replace('/', '_') }}"
       - /logs/other/dyn.log
       - /logs/mx/mail.log
       - /logs/apache-servers/other.log
       - /logs/network/nas01.log
       - /logs/mailouts/highvolume/mailout.log