Hello Everyone,
I want to filter out the values after “:” so I can pass the RestAPI commands to add the devices.
name: Split All - FIRST
names_list: “{{ get_names.content.split(‘\n’) | regex_replace(‘( =)’, ‘:’) }}”
macs_list: “{{ get_macs.content.split(‘\n’) | regex_replace(‘( =)’, ‘:’) }}”
descriptions_list: “{{ get_descriptions.content.split(‘\n’) | regex_replace(‘( =)’, ‘:’) }}” -
name: FileCreate
path: debugfile.log
insertafter: EOF
create: yes
line: “FIRST - {{ item.0 }}, SECOND - {{ item.1 }}, THIRD - {{ item.2 }}”
loop: “{{ data[0]|zip(*data[1:])|list }}”
data: -
‘{{ names_list }}’
‘{{ macs_list }}’
‘{{ descriptions_list }}’
Here’s the output of the lineinfile -
FIRST - sw01 GigabitEthernet0/0 IF-MIB.ifName: GigabitEthernet0/0, SECOND - sw01 GigabitEthernet0/0 IF-MIB.ifPhysAddress: 0001e896655b, THIRD - sw01 GigabitEthernet0/0 IF-MIB.ifDescr: GigabitEthernet 0/0
Please advise how can I split or filter the first part.