Issue with ansible playbook for windows

Hi All,

I have created a playbook to execute a VBScript on windows server and its showing error while performing the syntax check. Kindly have a look and please help me in this regard.

Your spacing is all messed up. Try this (I have not used these modules so there may be additional issues):

Hi Dick,

Thanks for your mail.

As per your mail I have tried the same and found the issue persist. Kindly find the details mentioned below.

[root@Y1972-206 jaywin]# cat win5.yml

Hi Dick,

Thanks for your mail.

As per your mail I have tried the same and found the issue persist. Kindly find the details mentioned below.

Actually the original error is fixed, but now a new one arised.

[root@Y1972-206 jaywin]# cat win5.yml

  • name: Copy PsExec
    src: /home/testuser/jaytest/g-prediscover.vbe
    dest: C:\temp
    force: no

  • name: Run powershell as a specific domain user
    win_command: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe g-prediscover.vbe -n 2 +2
    executable: C:\temp\g-prediscover.vbe
    elevated: yes
    nobanner: yes
    interactive: yes
    [root@Y1972-206 jaywin]# ansible-playbook -i inventory --syntax-check win5.yml
    ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
    mapping values are not allowed in this context

The error appears to be in ‘/opt/jaywin/win5.yml’: line 10, column 15, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

win_command: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe g-prediscover.vbe -n 2 +2
executable: C:\temp\g-prediscover.vbe
^ here

Again, I have no experience whatsoever with the windows modules, but from the docs alone one can see that the win_command module does not have any of the parameters that you use:

Browsing through the windows module list, I think you mixed things up and want to use the win_psexec module?
Because that does have all the parameters you use:

I noticed that this needs a ‘command’ parameters.
Adding the bits of the puzzle:

Hi Dick,

No luck so far

[root@Y1972-206 jaywin]# cat win6.yml