Howto to deploy kerberos (krb5.conf) info during awx operator install?

I am deploying awx 21.1.0 using the 0.22.0 operator into a minikube cluster doing what they call a ‘basic install’ by way of creating the documented kustomize.yml .

But then my awx pods do not have the required kerberos realm info and both winrm and kerberos transports fail.

How do I add the contents of my locally required krb5.conf file to all pods via the new operator install method?

OK, I have part of the answer - I think. But I cannot get the yaml file syntax right so that customise and kubectl can actually apply it cleanly.

I guess I need to find the right metadata, apiversion and names etc. Can somebody help me create a working yaml file?

I think I need it in either one or possibly up to four yaml files, but I tried and I cannot satisfy the kustomize and kubectl syntax

part 1 my ‘kustomization.yaml’ file

OK, I think I have part of an answer but I am not getting the syntax right for a successful Kubernetes deployment it looks like.

Can somebody look this over and help me out in getting the yaml file syntax right, please?