Does the current AWX Operator support the setup of Realms in Kerberos? I need to look into Windows host management through Ansible, but cannot see a method of injecting the realms data into the krb5.conf file.
What alternative (secure) methods does the operator currently support for WinRM host auth.
@Brandon Ellis i am trying to recreate what you are doing but I am lost. Which part of the spec do you put that? That’s the exact scenario I am wanting to do
At the custom resource specification “spec” field in the my-awx.yml file mentioned in the awx-operator git README. Basically the same block where the ingress_type is specified. It turns out that the devs left in some secret custom variables so you can add in custom volumes and volume mounts.
Here’s my current “my-awx.yml” deployment spec file I’m using. It’s got some weird ${} and %{} syntax because I preprocess the file using terraform to add in variable values – feel free to replace any ${} block with your desired value. (Note that if you were to use the krb5.conf file in here, you’d need to replace %%{uid} with %{uid}).
Ran into similar issue, tried following in the AWX instance YAML but still getting following error. Would it make a difference ‘tower’ prefix for the variables?
“msg”: “Kerberos auth failure for principal windows_id@MYORG.COM with pexpect: KDC has no support for encryption type while getting initial credentials”,
I had to add these entries for AWX 17.1.0 task container for making Windows connections to work, so I did the same for 19.2.2 as well. Apparently it’s not working.
Not sure if something has changed with this version or some other issue.