how to stuff running services into a host variable?

I can’t seem to get this syntax correct, and at least one reference I found produced more errors. I’d like to create a list of all running processes.

  • name: populate running services into a list
    services_running: >
    {% if (hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘services’][‘{{ item }}’][‘state’] == ‘running’) %}
    services_running + [ ‘{{ item }}’ ]
    {% endif %}
    with_items: “{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘services’].keys() }}”

Try this one

     - name: populate running services into a list
         services_running: "{{ services_running|default() + [ item ] }}"
       loop: "{{ services.keys() }}"
       when: services[item].state == 'running'



seems close, but getting:

msg: ‘Invalid data passed to ‘‘loop’’, it requires a list, got this instead: dict_keys([’‘abrt-xorg.service’', ‘‘sshd-keygen.service’’, ‘‘systemd-machine-id-commit.service’’, ‘‘iprinit.servic
e’’, ‘‘systemd-readahead-collect.service’’, ‘‘puppet.service’’, ‘‘plymouth-kexec.service’’, ‘‘cgdcbxd.service’’, ‘‘console-shell.service’’, ‘‘rngd.service’’, ‘‘sssd-autofs.service’’, …

> > I can't seem to get this syntax correct, and at least one reference I
> > found
> > produced more errors. I'd like to create a list of all running
> > processes.
> >
> > - name: populate running services into a list
> > set_fact:
> > services_running: >
> > {% if (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['services']['{{ item
> > }}']['state'] == 'running') %}
> > services_running + [ '{{ item }}' ]
> > {% endif %}
> > with_items: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['services'].keys() }}"
> >

> Try this one
> - name: populate running services into a list
> set_fact:
> services_running: "{{ services_running|default() + [ item ] }}"
> loop: "{{ services.keys() }}"
> when: services[item].state == 'running'

seems close, but getting:

  msg: 'Invalid data passed to ''loop'', it requires a list, got this
instead: dict_keys([''abrt-xorg.service'', ''sshd-keygen.service'',
''systemd-machine-id-commit.service'', ''iprinit.servic
e'', ''systemd-readahead-collect.service'', ''puppet.service'',
''plymouth-kexec.service'', ''cgdcbxd.service'', ''console-shell.service'',
''rngd.service'', ''sssd-autofs.service'', .....

It works for me with Ansible 2.7.9 and Ubuntu 18.04. YMMV.

This works for me:

  • name: populate service facts

  • name: populate running services into a list
    services_running: “{{ services_running|default() + [ item ] }}”
    loop: “{{ services.keys() | flatten(1) }}”
    when: services[item].state == ‘running’

This is with Ansible 2.8.0 on RHEL 7.6

That’s a very roundabout approach.


  • set_fact:
    services_running: “{{ services | dict2items | selectattr(‘value.state’, ‘equalto’, ‘running’) | map(attribute=‘key’) | list }}”

Right. Next option might be the filters below

    - set_fact:
        srv_running: "{{ services|dict2items|
                         selectattr('value.state', 'match', 'running')|
                         list }}"

