How to setup Azure AD Authentication in AWX installed with operator in kubernetes?

How to enable Azure AD Authentication SSO in AWX installed with operator in kubernetes?

I am running Azure AKS
k8 ver:1.26.6
AWX is exposed via nginx ingress and Azure LB (exp

If i go to Settings>Authentication> Azure AD settings

I see below filed:

  • Azure AD OAuth2 Callback URL (it have uneditable URL: https://towerhost/sso/complete/azuread-oauth2/) : How do we update this my domain

  • Azure AD OAuth2 Key: [editable] (Will enter my ADD Client ID i got in ADD)

  • Azure AD OAuth2 Secret: [editable] (Will enter my ADD Secret ID i got in ADD)

  • Azure AD OAuth2 Organization Map

  • Azure AD OAuth2 Team Map

Please see image below:

Can someone please suggest how do we edit “Azure AD OAuth2 Callback URL” in Azure AD settings to enable AD based login?

hey @iamraj007 you can edit that default value in your awx settings, see 28. AWX Tips and Tricks — Ansible AWX community documentation for guidance.

Thanks Jake.
I overlooked the conf on UI was expecting some cm/db entry to update for this.


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