[AWX 19.1.0] Issue with Azure AD SSO and K8S

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has used K8S (Haproxy ingress) and AWX Azure AD SSO with the AWX operator? I’m currently running into an issue where I’ll trigger the SSO on the login form but then get redirected right back to the login page. I can see successful requests come in on Azure’s side but for some reason I cannot get passed the login page.

My host is a K8S cluster deployed via the awx-operator and I use HAproxy for the loadbalancer and ingress controller. I suspect that my redirect link going to https://example.website.com/sso/complete/azuread-oauth2/ is not being redirected properly. Do I need to install a oauth2 service and expose it via the nginx ingress controller similar to this documentation?
External OAUTH Authentication - Ingress-Nginx Controller

Some output for context:
ingress route:


My mistake, turned out to be an issue with the secret I misunderstood where the secret gets generated. Investigating the awx_web pod showed this error which made it abundantly clear where the issue is.

kubectl logs -f awx-cluster awx-web

social Your credentials aren’t allowed.