I am trying to build a hash of users from a csv file. I am stuck on this last step, where the playbook just hangs:
- name: print user details into hash
lineinfile: ‘dest=~csit-ansible/files/auto_students.yml
line=“{{ item }}”
with_items: - " username: {{ item[0] }}"
- " firstname: {{ item[1] }}"
- " lastname: {{ item[2] }}"
- " studentid: {{ item[3] }}"
- " dob: {{ item[4] }}"
with_nested: - “{{ usernames.stdout_lines }}”
- “{{ firstnames.stdout_lines }}”
- “{{ lastnames.stdout_lines }}”
- “{{ studentids.stdout_lines }}”
- “{{ dobs.stdout_lines }}”
Earlier in the playbook, I register the values like so:
name: print all usernames to stdout
shell: awk -F ‘:’ ‘{print $1}’ ~csit-ansible/files/sortedu${date}.csv
register: usernames -
name: print all firstnames to stdout
shell: awk -F ‘:’ ‘{print $2}’ ~csit-ansible/files/sortedu${date}.csv
register: firstnames -
name: print all lastnames to stdout
shell: awk -F ‘:’ ‘{print $3}’ ~csit-ansible/files/sortedu${date}.csv
register: lastnames -
name: print all studentids to stdout
shell: awk -F ‘:’ ‘{print $4}’ ~csit-ansible/files/sortedu${date}.csv
register: studentids -
name: print all dobs to stdout
shell: awk -F ‘:’ ‘{print $5}’ ~csit-ansible/files/sortedu${date}.csv
register: dobs