How to get rid of unnecessary data displayed on the screen ?

Hi all,

I have just updated our ansible to 1.9.1.
It turned out that when I run it, i.e:

ansible-playbook -i hosts some.yml --list-hosts --list-tasks


I also get the following data on the screen:

play #1 (group.main): host count=2
```play #1 (group.main): TAGS: role1 - task1 …`
role1 - task2 ...

play #2 (group1) host count=0
play #2 (group1): TAGS: []

play #3 (group2): host count=0
play #3 (group2): TAGS: []

play #4 (group4): host count=0
play #4 (group4): TAGS: []
role1 - task1
role1 - task2
role1 - task3

play #5 (group5): host count=0
play #5 (group5): TAGS: []

play #6 (group6): host count=0
play #6 (group6): TAGS: []

It seems that ansible is telling me also about things which will not be done.
Is is possible to display only what is going to be done ?
And not the others ?

Best regards

I'm not sure what you are asking, it is just listing tasks, there is
no qualifier that shows what will or will not be run. Also note that
only list hosts or list tasks works, cannot use both at same time.

When you have a look at play #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 it is displayed on the screen but
since there are no servers there it means they are not to be done.
What I am trying to say is that in ansible 1.8 they didn’t appear on the screen (!)
1.8 version would show (AFAIR …) only play #1.
When number of hosts and roles to be applied do server are growing (like in our case)
those unnecessary “empty” plays (#2, #3, … ) mess up with the screen
and you have to scroll and analyse the output “what is being applied” ?

By the way: in 1.8 we always used --list-hosts and --list-tasks together and it worked
like a charm. Has it changed in 1.9 ?

Any suggestion / recommendation / help ?