how to get rid of ascii art (horse or cow) in output

As cute as the ascii art is, it takes up too much vertical space on 80x25 terminal. Is there a way to disable the ascii art in the output?

remove the cowsay package from your installation.

Hi Mario,

Because it is now Moovember, it may be a federal crime to disable the cow in your neck of the woods, so I would recommend udderly that you reconsider such a moove.

However if you decide to skirt the law, you can configure this in ansible.cfg, export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1, or just uninstall cowsay.

However, all are udderly unthinkable to me, and will leave you sad in the long run.

I’m not familiar with horsesay being supported in the output, I believe they speak morse.

Moo ha ha :slight_smile: ty

this will get rid of horse, cow and any extra space: