I’ve never seen cowsay being used in ansible-test integration. Can you provide more information on your environment, or preferably a way to reproduce it? (Maybe starting with an empty container so it’s easy to fully reproduce the environment.)
I tried in an empty container and I didn’t get the cowsay
Do you guess any problem in my environment?
root@008c7af128a2:/ansible_collections/netscaler/adc# ansible-test integration
WARNING: Using locale "C.UTF-8" instead of "en_US.UTF-8". Tests which depend on the locale may behave unexpectedly.
Running nsip integration test role
PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [testhost]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Fact gathering can be disabled in individual integration tests by adding gather_facts/no to the aliases file for that test.
Currently the only way to prevent cowsay from being used is to ensure it’s not present on the system running the tests. The --docker option is one way to accomplish that.
Internally, ansible-test adds a trailing / to most aliases during parsing, so gather_facts/no becomes gather_facts/no/ by the time it’s saved in target.aliases.