How to escape specific character

I’m using ansible tower.
And I made workflow to install Oracle on the virtual server.

The way to install oracle is …

  1. copy Oracle installer.exe file to the virtual server.

  2. make response file(install.rsp.j2 jinjer2 template) on the virtual server.
    install.rsp includes below

OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password }}

and oracle_home_user_password is passed from inventory

  1. make install command bat file(run.bat.j2 jinjer2 template) on the virtual server.
    run.bat is below
    setup.exe -silent -noconfig -waitforcompletion -nowait -responseFile C:\Work\db_install.rsp

  2. run.bat on the virtual server.

It always worked, but one day it failed.
It was because password included specific characters like “$”, “#”,“%” …

I thought that variable oracle_home_user_password in inventory or jinjer2 must be escaped but I don’t know.

I tried these…

  1. In install.rsp.j2 ,
    OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password | escape }}

  2. in install.rsp.j2,
    OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password| regex_escape }}

  3. In install.rsp.j2 ,
    OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password | escape() }}

  4. in install.rsp.j2,
    OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password| regex_escape() }}

They were all failed…(T_T

Anyone know how to escape specific character in jinjer2 or any other better way?

what does "it failed" mean?

- ansible run fails?
- ansible runs OK but batch file fails?
- ??

is the install.rsp file OK?

Hi, dick
Thanks for reply.

I’m sorry, I might be wrong.
I checked the ansible job message again, and it was oracle error.
The parameter “OracleHomeUserPassword” and variable was in install.rsp file made by ansible.
But when specific character “#” in the password was passed to the setup.exe of oracle installer, it failure.

So, I wrote , adding double quate to install.rsp.j2 like below.
And I’ll try.
oracleHomeUserPassword=“{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}” # double quate

oracleHomeUserPassword=“”{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}“” # double quate x2

oracleHomeUserPassword=‘{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}’ # single quate

oracleHomeUserPassword=‘’{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}‘’ # single quate x2

or other.

It’ll take for a little time.
I’ll share the result later.


2021年5月13日木曜日 18:18:52 UTC+9

Hi, dick
Thanks for reply.

I'm sorry, I might be wrong.
I checked the ansible job message again, and it was oracle error.
The parameter "OracleHomeUserPassword" and variable was in install.rsp file made by ansible.
But when specific character "#" in the password was passed to the setup.exe of oracle installer, it failure.

So, I wrote , adding double quate to install.rsp.j2 like below.
And I'll try.
oracleHomeUserPassword="{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}" # double quate
oracleHomeUserPassword=""{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}"" # double quate x2
oracleHomeUserPassword='{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}' # single quate
oracleHomeUserPassword=''{{ oracle_home_user_password| escape() }}'' # single quate x2
or other.

It'll take for a little time.
I'll share the result later.

So this is only related to Ansible when you know how the specific characters are supposed to
escaped in the configuration file.

The escape filter is meant to apply to HTML strings:



2021年5月13日木曜日 18:18:52 UTC+9

    what does "it failed" mean?

    - ansible run fails?
    - ansible runs OK but batch file fails?
    - ??

    is the install.rsp file OK?

    > I'm using ansible tower.
    > And I made workflow to install Oracle on the virtual server.
    > The way to install oracle is ...
    > 1. copy Oracle installer.exe file to the virtual server.
    > 2. make response file(install.rsp.j2 jinjer2 template) on the virtual server.
    > install.rsp includes below
    > OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password }}
    > and oracle_home_user_password is passed from inventory
    > 3. make install command bat file(run.bat.j2 jinjer2 template) on the virtual server.
    > run.bat is below
    > setup.exe -silent -noconfig -waitforcompletion -nowait -responseFile C:\Work\db_install.rsp
    > 4. run.bat on the virtual server.
    > It always worked, but one day it failed.
    > It was because password included specific characters like "$", "#","%" ....
    > I thought that variable oracle_home_user_password in inventory or

jinjer2 must be escaped but I don't know.

    > I tried these...
    > 1) In install.rsp.j2 ,
    > OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password | escape }}
    > 2) in install.rsp.j2,
    > OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password| regex_escape }}
    > 3) In install.rsp.j2 ,
    > OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password | escape() }}
    > 4) in install.rsp.j2,
    > OracleHomeUserPassword={{ oracle_home_user_password| regex_escape() }}
    > They were all failed.......(T_T
    > Anyone know how to escape specific character in jinjer2 or any other better way?
    > --
    > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group.
    > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,

send an email to

Aside from escaping for shells (use `quote` filter), you might want to
mark the password as 'unsafe for templating':

oracle_home_user_password: !unsafe @#$lksWHATEVER{{wontgettemplated

Thanx for the reply and nice information brae!

It hasn’t worked yet, so I’ll refer.

My workflow is from oracle installer copy to install,
so each execution takes a very long time.

I’ll cut out the process from workflow and I’ll try.

2021年5月13日木曜日 19:30:49 UTC+9

Thanx! Brian !

I’ll try it!

2021年5月13日木曜日 22:36:54 UTC+9 Brian Coca:

I tried many times today,but I couldn’t complete.

Ummm, I’m thinking other patterns.

2021年5月14日金曜日 5:30:37 UTC+9 ystk hmsk:


I’ve been trying various patterns that I got adviced above.
But it couldn’t work well.

Although this system uses jinjar2 template,
I tried simple playbook and workflow.
And I found below.

  1. run ansible-playbook : This was OK
    Playbook.yaml is below (oracle_home_user_password=Password123$%@#)