How to escape single quote in regex_replace expression?


I’m using Ansible 2.5 and trying to escape single quote in a string. This string will be passed as argument to shell command.

regex_replace(“'”, “'”) is giving error.

  • set_fact:

default_passphrase: “{{ Secrete123’!#) | regex_replace('”‘"’, ‘“'”’) }}"

Please suggest how to achieve this.



Did you try with the quote filter ?



quote filter also didn’t work. Got the below error

template error while templating string: unexpected char u"'"

What do you want to do ?
Perhaps set a specific default password

Did you try this ?

    - set_fact:
        default_passphrase: "Secrete123\\'!#)"

I’m just trying with a dummy password. In the actual use case, the value will be read from config file which will be generated after user sets password. So I need to first get the password value in the 1st task and then set_fact, further use it in the shell command. I don’t want to block the customer from using any special character.