i want to generate a config for syslogd from template. as there are some “special” chars in the config, the ‘*’ char in this case, ansible has some problems to run the template.
how to i tell ansible/jinja2 to treat the star as an literal?
AnsibleError: template error while templating string: expected token ‘end of statement block’, got ‘*’. String: # {{ ansible_managed }}
{{ ansible_managed }}
auth.info /var/log/syslog/auth rotate compress size 10m files 10
.info /var/log/syslog/messages rotate compress size 10m files 10
local2. /var/log/syslog/sudo rotate compress size 10m files 10
{% if ( (inventory_lparname not in groups[‘HA_HOST’] | default()) and
(inventory_lparname not in groups[‘DMZ_HOST’] | default()) ):
*.info @
{% endif %}
{% if inventory_lparname in groups[‘HA_HOST’] | default() %}
HACMP Config
*.info @
PowerHA SystemMirror Critical Messages
local0.crit /dev/console
PowerHA SystemMirror Informational Messages
local0.info /var/hacmp/adm/cluster.log rotate size 1m files 8
PowerHA SystemMirror Messages from Cluster Scripts
user.notice /var/hacmp/adm/cluster.log rotate size 1m files 8
PowerHA SystemMirror Messages from Cluster Daemons
daemon.notice /var/hacmp/adm/cluster.log rotate size 1m files 8
caa.info /var/adm/ras/syslog.caa rotate size 1m files 10
{% endif %}
{% if (inventory_lparname in groups[‘DMZ_HOST’] | default())
*.info @
{% endif %}
{% if ( (‘some_host’ in ansible_hostname) or
’ in ansible_hostname) or
’ in ansible_hostname) or
’ in ansible_hostname) or
’ in ansible_hostname) or
’ in ansible_hostname) ):
Trusted Logging
*.info /dev/vlog0
{% endif %}
ASO log configuration
aso.notice /var/log/aso/aso.log rotate size 128k time 7d
aso.info /var/log/aso/aso_process.log rotate size 1024k
aso.debug /var/log/aso/aso_debug.log rotate size 8m compress
mail.debug /var/log/syslog/mail rotate time 7d files 4 compress