How to call registered variable data in loops?

Hi Team,

Could anyone please help on below query? Thank you.

I have 2 registered variables data as example below. How to call those data over the loop?

Cluster_data: [‘cluster1’,‘cluster2’]
Aggr_data: [‘aggr1’,‘aggr2’,]
- name: calling var data
cluster: ?? → here, I need to use ‘Cluster_data’ list
aggregate: ?? → here, I need to use ‘Aggr_data’ list
loop: ??

Once again, thank you for your help.

Your question can be interpreted at least two ways.
Here are two answers, one of which may be what you’re looking for.

	- name: Combining lists
	  hosts: localhost
	  gather_facts: false
	    cluster_data: ['cluster1','cluster2']
	    aggr_data: ['aggr1','aggr2',]
	    - name: Combine with zip
	        msg: "zip: {{ ','.join(item) }}"
	      loop: "{{ cluster_data | zip(aggr_data) }}"
	    - name: Combine with product
	        msg: "product: {{ ','.join(item) }}"
	      loop: "{{ cluster_data | product(aggr_data) }}"

The output from the above playbook looks like this:

	PLAY [Combining lists] *****************************
	TASK [Combine with zip] ****************************
	ok: [localhost] => (item=['cluster1', 'aggr1']) => {
	    "msg": "zip: cluster1,aggr1"
	ok: [localhost] => (item=['cluster2', 'aggr2']) => {
	    "msg": "zip: cluster2,aggr2"
	TASK [Combine with product] ************************
	ok: [localhost] => (item=['cluster1', 'aggr1']) => {
	    "msg": "product: cluster1,aggr1"
	ok: [localhost] => (item=['cluster1', 'aggr2']) => {
	    "msg": "product: cluster1,aggr2"
	ok: [localhost] => (item=['cluster2', 'aggr1']) => {
	    "msg": "product: cluster2,aggr1"
	ok: [localhost] => (item=['cluster2', 'aggr2']) => {
	    "msg": "product: cluster2,aggr2"